Zodiac raised an eyebrow at the bickering as it increased in intensity before she could stand it no longer. She sighed, poking looking to the Djinn, then the human, and then back the Djinn, "Maybe both of you check your charts? And then check each other's? Has it crossed your minds that [i]both[/i] of you might be wrong? Sure, the presence of Mirod and Exilum isn't exactly a good omen but heaven's sake not everything means death and destruction. Maybe just a nice little skirmish or two, little bit of carnage, swords are rattled, and then everyone goes back to their staring contest." She looked down to the piece of bread in her hands, squeezing it to make sure it hadn't turned into hardtack when she'd looked away. Whatever the Djinn and human were doing in response to her didn't register, at least for a second, as she contemplated the potential likelihood of the ship's crew having a plot to feed their passengers uncharacteristically edible fair laced with poison and then hold them hostage once they'd all passed out. Looking back up to the two... astronomers? astrologists? oddballs? she noticed they hadn't achieved enlightenment, which was just as well she supposed, enlightenment tended to come bundled with being not quite right in the head. Believing in such ridiculous notions such as "peace" and "compassion", whatever those were. "By the way, I think the crew's laced the food with some sort of poison. I mean, ships simply don't have good food unless one is rich, or the captain. I think they plan to knock us out with the food and hold us hostage. It's a more likely explanation than a ship actually offering [i]food[/i] to average passengers."