[@Dcatanzaro682] Felice watched the fight to its end, taking note of a few of the moves used. He wasn't certain that he'd be able to remember them to avoid, counter, or recreate them when he found the chance, but it was nice to at least have something for possible inspiration. Once one of them ended the fight, he looked away to the others, curious as to who would be volunteering next. As he looked over the room, however, he noticed someone hiding their face away from the other pairs. For a moment, he just stared, nearly every part of him arguing with him not to get involved for any reason. [color=6ecff6]"...Fine, I'll bite."[/color] Having ultimately lost to the one inquisitive voice in his head, the red-haired boy walked over and stood a few feet away. [color=7bcdc8]"What exactly is it that you're doing? Not being able to see others doesn't always make them unable to see you, if that's the idea."[/color]