Rina yawned and stretched, then her eyes widened as she took in the area around her. Okay, so that wasn't just an awesome dream. That was... interesting, she wasn't sure if she should feel excited or scared. If this was real than that goddess chick was real as well. Which meant that she was something greater than human and that she was basically immortal at this point. In addition if she wanted to return home she would have to kill bad guys to gain more power. She stood up and stepped out of her capsule thing seeing two people nearby, Rina took a step forward but stopped when trails color wafted in front of her. Looking at the origin she was surprised to see they were coming from herself! Now more of them appeared and they slowly began gathering into a shape, and in a small flash of light they condensed into something. Some sort of shiny metal humanoid, "W-what are you?" she managed to squeak out in surprise. "I am Aron." the strange figure replied, the voice identifying itself as masculine. "Do you know where we are?" he asked clearly understanding about as much of this as she did. "Not anymore than you do, uh, I think its called the Cradle of Divinity though." Rina replied still getting used to the creature that had popped out of the earth in front of her. She decided she would call it a golem. "I'm Rina," she said introducting herself to the golem. Rina looked back at the two other people there, "Um, hi. I'm Rina and this is Aron I guess. Who are you?" she asked eager to ground herself here in some way. According to her dream, well perhaps vision was a better word for it, might made right. Of course there was strength in numbers right? Aron silently stood next to her taking in the situation around him.