[h2]Angela[/h2] Elizabeth was consternated for a moment. How should she respond? She didn't actually have any of these useful skills. She could, truthfully, blame Angela for not knowing any of that, say things like 'can't get blood from a stone'. But that'd still be admitting own faults, and that'd require much more desperation than she was experiencing. Instead, Nathaniel's prior words gave her an idea. Elizabeth shifted back into berating gear as she marched up to Vestus. Standing on her toes, which certainly looked interesting wearing heels, she did a decent attempt at towering over him, being just slightly taller by default. [@Blackmist16] [color=ed1c24]"Excuse me? Do you need food? I don't. Do you need a fire? I don't. Look at how I don't."[/color] With her last words, Elizabeth pointed a hand at the floor and shot out a ray of cold, tracing a chilled line on the floor. [color=ed1c24]"I'm a cold one. Of course, it's likely that someone here can be a hot one, ask them for a fire."[/color] In the meantime, Angela wandered off, failing to contribute to the conversation. It was like that all the time - any time she was talking to more than one person, the other people just ended up talking to each other and she didn't see where could she add anything. Noticing that the boy from before also wandered off, she sidled up to him. "Hey. I don't believe I ever got your name." [@gammaflux]