[@Mivuli] The scarlet eyed vampire sat watching his soulmate mull the question he had posed. Thin tendrils of steam curled from his short black coffee. He smiled and grabbed the coffee, downing the liquid. He enjoyed the heat that spread through his body as Mia moved her hand and rested her chin upon it. She stared out the window, watching as men and women rushed past the windows. Solenne followed her gaze, undoubtedly seeing more than what she was. Everyone outside the window, everyone in the near vicinity looked different to the vampire. Their pulses were all varied to the eyes of the creature of the night. Some were calm, others were frenetic and some were in states of calm. Her voice cut through his distraction. "So will you tell me?" He turned back to Mia and smiled at her thoughtful response and question. He always disliked this. More often than not were people shocked and appalled that his kind could be civil. Too much bad press had come from the ferals of his kind, the blood craze running rampant and the reclusive nature of the civil ones meant his kind did not have a great PR guy. He massaged his neck once more, chewing his lip gently before nodding "of course, seems only fair" he gave a crooked smile, the left side of his lips curling up gently "I was a general in Caesar's army" he laughed slightly "I attended concerts by Mozart...I knew the Queen's mother" Solenne laced his fingers together gently and looked at her, crimson eyes steady and smiling "Mia...your soulmate is a vampire."