Kazumi continued on with her busy day ahead, she still had to do that photoshoot, but she knows she doesn’t want to just yet as something didn’t feel right whatsoever… As the stylists continued with her hair and make-up she looked at herself, she she felt amazing but she certainly didn’t feel amazing; she wanted to do something really exciting during her photoshoot… Not just poses and such, luckily the styling will be over soon. Just as the styling was finished the manager walked in with his assistant and marvelled at what the stylists have done, clapping his hands in the most fake-like way that anyone could have possibly done, showing that he is most likely just in it for the money and not for the love of anything else. As he clapped his hands she stood up and sighed; she really hated her manager… ‘Bravo! Bravo!’ the manager repeated ‘Bravo indeed! all of you have done a splendid job!’ and the stylists looked at him with the ‘no shit sherlock’ look before they walked out of her room, which leaves him flabbergasted once again. He then gave her a new set of clothes as the stylists left; to which Kazumi was not happy about at all ‘Excuse me, why can’t I use my own??’ she asked sternly. ‘Why! then it wouldn’t be a photoshoot of the latest fashions’ he simply answered, to which she wasn’t having, they had photoshoots before where she could wear whatever she want… ‘Right...’ she simply said ‘Just remember, I got a concert soon and I need to be there; asap’ nodding his head he sighed at how specific and ‘on time’ Kazumi preferred to be. ‘yes yes, now come along; the photoshoot needs to be done!’ he grabbed Kazumi’s arm and literally dragged Kazumi along without realising it ‘umm excuse me!? can you please stop dragging me!!!?’