If there is any sure-fire way to accept the truth of one's own mortality, it can probably be found at the bottom of a bottle. Maybe Kayaba Akihiko had predicted this or experienced it first-hand, but for whatever reason he had programmed Sword Art Online with the most realistic inebriation simulation known to mankind and the first night had seen thousands partake in excess. Pyotr had been one of those drunken few, spending far too much of her hard-earned Col on ales and whiskey in a small tavern. On the plus side, she had almost made a profit by buying and selling drinks to wasted players, on the minus... well, let's just say that the hangover simulation was pretty good too. Staggering around outside of town, she barely knew where she was at this point, let alone the time. Between a crushing headache and a craving for munchies, she had not had a great morning thus far; fortunately the pain was fading as the <> status ailment counted down. Collapsing under a tree some way from town, she took the time to survey the area with a bleary eye before judging it safe for the moment. As the pain and grogginess slowly passed, she was finally able to take stock of the last 24 hours and the crazy shit that had happened. It had been a bit uneventful, aside from watching a few players die before the announcement (and later realising it with fridge horror) and that inane episode with Cam... Can? Can-Can? She could barely remember the boy's face, let alone his odd name. Unfortunately his creepily cheerful personality had carved out a space in her memory and Pyotr doubted she would ever be able to forget. Ditching him had been easy though, making use of his short attention span and the kindness of some unfortunate good Samaritan... and running like fuck, of course. The route to the town of... something-or-other had been fairly full of boars, so she had been able to grind up a level and collect a few trade goods, although they had all been used to pay for the night-long bender shortly after. And the tavern... She thrust the thought aside, not wanting to think about all the stupid things she said and did with dozens of strangers. In real life she hadn't gotten out much, so last night had been a real education; it's amazing how many Queen songs are sung by the Japanese and can be played on a lute. When she felt a little better, Pyotr started off in a random direction, reasoning that she would eventually find civilisation of some sort. Be it a town or party, she could ask around to find a good spot to solo grind or maybe party up. Her spirits began to lift as she trekked across the rolling green hills and a old folk song came naturally to her lips. [b][i]'Rastsvetali iabloni i grushi, poplyli tumany nad rekoj...'[/i][/b] Off in the distance she spied a group of figures facing off with some kind of mob, probably boars. Finding a safe place to observe, she watched with interest as the party fought. Going it alone was her normal modus operandi, but maybe a little help would be useful in this world...