[center][img]http://pixbim.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/red-hair-guy-anime.jpg[/img] [color=DarkRed]"It's been a pleasure to meet you and may Yveltal bless your day with good fortune[/color] Name: Korrigan, but goes by Korrey in informal situations Age: 19 Gender: Male Height/Weight: 6 ft/ 176 lbs Personality: Korrey fits the stereotypical facets of a priest almost to a T. He's very patient, wise, a good listener, and a very loving person who tries to find the good in everyone he meets. However, he also has a bit of a stubborn side, and doesn't take well to those who would mock his beliefs. He's also a bit of a sensitive soul, tending to take things more seriously and morr personally than was intended. But above all else, Korrey has a very deep love and appreciatiin for nature, both it's beautiful romanticism and ugly realities. To him, it's all apart of the grand cycle of Life and Death. History: Korrey was raised by the Church of Yveltal from childhood, located in the more mountainous region of Kalos. He never knew his parebts, for he was dropped off in the middle of the night, but he never really cared. The priest were all the family he ever needed, teachung him how to read, write, and best of all, introducing him to pokemon. As worshippers of Yveltal, the brothers kept around mostly Dark and Flying type pokemon, to be more intune with their god. To Korrigan, they taught the teaching of Yveltal, in which it states that all that has been created must be destroyed or die one day, so it may be reborn again in the grand cycle. Death was a constantpart of life for him growing up, but it was never done in a solem manner. To them, Death is not something to be avoid and grieve over, but a natural part of life that is to be celebrated, for they are truly off to a better place. It was during one of these funeral parties that a woman arrived, with a message from a man that claimed to be his father. It was a letter of challenge, telling him that if he wanted to meet the man, he'd have to take the Gym challenge of Kalos. The chance of finding his parents was not nearly as important to Korrigan as the opprotunity it gave him. Sympathetic to what they believed to be his want for family, the brothers of Yveltal sent the young man off to begin his own adventure, and they pray for his safe return. Dream:Korrigan has no real dreams or goals at the moment, since the onky one he had was going on an adventure Preferred Starter: [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/c62f/f/2013/325/3/5/shiny_froakie_global_link_art_by_trainerparshen-d6v3ws7.png[/img] A shiny Froakie named Jet, the son of the Head Priest own pair of Greninja's. He bears the ability Protean, but like his trainer, has very little combat experience. He's also impatient and a bit hard-headed at times, but will defer to his trainer's authority . . . eventually. Lv: 9 Moveset:Pound-Growl-Bubble-Quick Attack Ability: Protean [hider=Current Team] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/c556/f/2013/304/9/0/noibat_by_drawnbydana-d6skg21.jpg[/img] Fidget Lv:6 Moveset: Screech-Supersonic-Tackle-Leech Life Ability: Telepathy [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/c81e/f/2013/177/c/e/go_pancham__by_rosymaple-d6ashwy.png[/img] Regina Lv:10 Moveset: Tackle-Leer-Arm Thrust-Work Up Ability: Iron Fist [/hider] Other: [hider=End Game Team] Greninja Noivern Pangoro Doublade/Aegislash Gengar Giratina [/hider] [/center]