Danica smiled and gave a quick bow before sitting herself across from Zomura. She began to eat and moaned softly. “You’re right, these are the best in town,” she commented between bites. As he asked if she had ever been to a shrine before she stopped eating and sat back in her chair. “No actually, most of my articles are for the outdoors and don’t focus on much more than the best places to climb or jump from,” she said before a considerate look came over her features. “Though I think I can spare some time. Would a nice change. Yes, I would be honored,” she responded. Sean perked a brow as he listened to them, he didn’t have a clue to what they were talking about but he knew that look on Danicas face all too well. Their plans had just changed. Taking a few big gulps he finished off his food quickly and sat there making sure everything with his bag was in order for when she was ready to do what she had her mind set on. Danica was about to speak again when she felt someone reach out and grab her, her hand coming up to remove it but before she could she was pulled out of her chair and went spilling out onto the floor. Sean jumped out of the way and pressed himself against the wall quickly as the vehicle came crashing into the shop. Danica grunted slightly, she felt like she had just fallen from an unstable rock base. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she grumbled slightly as she looked over to Zomura. “And I thought delivery drivers in the U.S. were bad,” she said as she got up and dusted herself off. “Sean you okay?” she asked as she looked over to him, he just nodded slowly; turning her attention back over to Zomura who was now with Yumiko. “Nice to meet you,” she said in Japanese before looking around at the devastation caused by the crash. “Well hell, there goes dinner plans,” she said as she stepped through the rubble and fanned the dust cloud away from her face. Her eyes falling on a man who was saying something in a language she did not know, the dialect sounded familiar but she couldn’t make out the words. “Hey, where’d you learn to drive!” she snapped in English, doubting he could understand but she didn’t care. “My sisters pet pig has better road manners than you do,” she grumbled before looking back over to the mess and dug out her pack, shoving the slightly torn chute back into the bag fully and zipping it closed. Her clothing was slightly ripped and she had some scrapes and bruised but nothing bad. Placing the pack on her back she stepped back over to Zomura and Yumiko. “Yeah, let’s get the hell out of here. I’ll check the dumbass over there when we get to the shrine,” she said as she pulled a few pieces of noodle from his hair. “And a quiet lunch sound perfect,” she said before looking back over to Sean. “Come on your Irish Bastard, we have to get moving.”