[b]Name[/b]: Wilhelmina McAllister [b]Place of Birth[/b]: Savannah, Georgia [b]Date of Birth[/b]: October 28th [b]Blood Type[/b]: O [b]Height[/b]: 5'5" [b]Weight[/b]: 147 lbs Witch Rank: Will-of-the-Wisps (her stones are turquoise and topaz) [b]Species[/b]: n/a [b]Familiar[/b]: A cat named Monty [b]Powers[/b]: will-o-wisp form, Phantasm Manipulation, spell casting, Mediumship [b]Personality:[/b] Wilhelmina, Willa, is hardheaded and stubborn. Slightly aloof and boorish while at the same time determined and strong willed. Not much of a leader but she does all she can. Willa is a compassionate and kind-hearted person. There's only so much a girl can take, though. There are those times when she just becomes a little fed up with everything. However, she is constantly trying to do whatever she can to help. Melinda his a sense of humor, and loves getting away from everything to relax with her friends and family, although she rarely finds time to do so. She makes a good listener and loyal friend, and is very sensitive to other's emotions, being an emotional person herself. Willa is also sarcastic in spades, finding annoyance from people/ghosts who won’t give her peace. As a Will-of-the-Wisp, she has a reasoning into following the traditions of her ancestors. She tries to be patient with those of the other side, and those of the living. Being in such a paranormal rich place, she has to get away from it every once in a while to ‘recharge’ her living side before she crosses completely and stays as to the ghost form for good. [b]Appearance[/b]: Willa's look is the perfect mixture of classic, delicate vintage pieces, and modern day spunk. It’s romantic elegance meets quirky, whimsical girl next door. Long chocolate brown waves, clear blue eyes, and a beauty mark by her left eye. She tends to speak politely, not opting for curses or the like at first. Willa’s body can be considered as a pear, as she isn’t as voluptuous as an hourglass’s equally top and bottom heavy figure. Willa herself is more bottom heavy, and tends to look like a girl next door. When in her Will-of-the-Wisp form she looks basically the same only her hair had lightened until it’s a periwinkle/white color.