The Ironback immediately dropped your Naginata, and sat down patiently, seemingly awaiting orders. So it does allow you to control a certain extent. On a closer, safer inspection, it's definitely a younger Ironback, Its hardened back still isn't [i]completely[/i] formed, but it's definitely there. Its' easy to say it's still quite developed though, and obviously, can survive in the wild by itself. From what Joshua told you of these things, you can also tell it's probably a little over-grown for its' apparent age, its' legs are a bit longer then usual, as well as its' neck you think. Still, a specimen with plenty of potential, he should serve you well. In any case, you inspect your Naginata, thankfully it isn't broken or anything: it just has very notable teeth marks. Imgor can easily defeat two wasps in battle, even with the knife he has now. They dumbly do not maneuver out of the way fast enough, and you kill them all in one slice, cutting them in half. Well, two leave before you do, but it's fairly obvious they're retreating. Well that was easy. You then hear the snorting, wheezing, and [i]growling[/i] of some sort of Plagued Beast behind you.