[@Skallagrim] youve got a lot of gun characters right? ive got this guy here.... [hider=The Cyber Ninja] [b]Name:[/b] Zai-Matsu [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Height:[/b] 5'8 [b]Weight::[/b] 164 ilbs [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Modern Ninja [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/308/b/7/Cyber_Ninja_by_shanku.jpg[/img] [b]Skills and Abilites[/b]: Zai Matsu is 15 year veteran at the Neo Tokyo Guard, he has been trained as a Modern Ninja and a Spy. His martial arts are some of the best in the world using a mix of the ninjitsu, hapkido, and combat sambo arts, this is made deadlier by his insane physical abilites. Without his suit his body has been trained to Olympic Level Conditioning, and his Ninja training allows him to do some amazing acrobatic leaps and movements along with circus like flexibility, his stamina also basically superhuman. He has had military training in the use of most firearms and explosives trained heavily in stealth and espionage, and has some knowledge of ninja magic though this has not yet been demonstrated. [b]Weapons & Equipment:[/b] [b]Cybernetic Ninja S.U.I.T.[/b]: Zai Matsu and the other Assasins of the Neo-Tokyo private guard company all wear a Super Utility Infiltration Tech (S.U.I.T.) which is a cybernetic armour to enhance the already near-superhuman abilities of the ninja's who wear it. It increases strength and agility, has an A.I. headset built in, is highly resistant to blunt impact and has some levels of bulletproof material covering vital areas. The gloves and boots have electormagnetic and claw functions which allow the user to scale most walls and the suit is still lightweight and flexible enough to fight in. The helmet also has nightvision and air filter. [b]Advanced Edge[/b]: The Advanced Edge pictured here is one of the most reliable weapons in neo tokyo for assasins of all skill levels. It has a lightweight compact design, and the steel-titanium alloy blade has been filed down to a super thin razor sharp edge using lasers. It also has a small electrical charge function for non-lethal stun capability, and the handle has tiny bomb inside which the user can detonate at anytime to blow an enemies hand off, who may try to use his weapon against him. This particular variant of the advanced edge has been custom made to suit Zai-Matsu's fighting style. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/073/9/8/katana_by_wei_kuchiki-d4sqppp.jpg[/img] [b]7-X Sub[/b]: This a basic submachine gun that most modern assasins carry for midrange combat, the low calibre rounds and very accurate weapon has been made especially for ninjas who would fire from a multitude of directions (especially the air). The design is compact enough for concealment and the magazine cartridge can be fitted with a blade for close range suprise attacks. It also has laser guided aiming and smart targeting system built in to link with Zai Matsu's headset. The basic ammo can also be swapped out for posion darts. [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/077/9/3/Sub_Machine_Gun_Study_by_AlexPenn_AND_Paper.jpg[/img] [b]Various Gadgets[/b]: Zai carries a high-power laser cutter the size of a pen, 4 smoke bombs, 2 flash bangs , and net trap ensnare device that can be re-used once recovered, it fires a steel web like net that capture a man sized enemy and the sharp metal causes heavy laceration and cuts to the skin. Zai also has an Incidenary grenade that he uses for a last ditch attempt. He also carries a vial of acid which can burn through any modern metal. [b](tier 3)[/b] [/hider] I think would make for a decent tag partner, if we can find the opponents.