[center][h1]Noboru Yamamoto-Thursday, May 1st, 2015[/h1][/center] Noboru was worried. If those photos got around to the wrong person, they would cause a lot of trouble. But there was nothing he could do now. It was already set in motion. Akari was gonna fuck his life up for the next few weeks with this. If that wasn't bad enough, some random stranger came up to him. He introduced himself, as someone called Tanaka Toma. [color=navy]"Oh uh, hey. I didn't recognize who you were at first, Aiko talks about you occasionally. You're his track running friend right? Nice to meet you. No, uh, nothing is the problem. I was just a bit surprised at something. It's gone now, nothing major.[/color] Noboru was uncomfortable. He didn't know how to talk to any of his siblings' friends. He didn't much care to, mostly to not get involved with his siblings. But if Aiko was having this sudden change of heart, might as well be friendly to his friends as well. [color=navy]"So, uhhh, you're Aiko's friend? Nice to meet you. If you didn't notice, Aiko doesn't tend to have many friends. Mostly due to his up front rudeness about himself. Glad you fought through that silly facade however. He needs some friends. So ummm, was there something else to ask?"[/color] Noboru's feet tapped the ground, he was nervous. It felt awkward talking to someone his brother had a crush on, but that was something he wouldn't spoil.