Yumiko looked at Danica as she took in the woman's choice for words. Sounded like the typical American. She then looked to the man with the gun and then to Zomura. If the police came before they left the both of them would be arrested. The man for being armed with illegal hardware, and Zomura just for being with the Yakuza. Zomura began to lead the way with Yumiko right beside him. Zomura saw his reflection and sighed. His hand touching the bandaid... "Just had to be a vocaloid bandaid didn't it." "Oh shut it, I could have just let your cheek bleed all over." She responded. Zomura smirked. He looked over at the Albanian. What the hell were those Albanians doing. He shook his head and looked forward. Yumiko just walked along beside him. You would almost think they were brother and sister. In a way Zomura kind of felt that way about her. He had known her for a good long while. Luckily they were not all that far from the shrine. They could take the bus, which would have been better, but he heard no one complaining....... ..............Back at the warehouse something was in the air and it wasn't the dust or the smell of blood. It moved its way undetected looking for a host. It wasn't alone either. The virus suddenly found its way into bodies of the dead warehouse guards. The virus moved through through the veins and worked quickly. Unknown to it the bodies were being put in bags and zipped up and carried off to the police department. Where they would rest in the morgue until the biopsies would be done on them. It only took a couple minutes before they reached their destination. When the bodies were being transported down stairs. They had the last one going through when they felt resistance from inside. Was this man not dead yet? The two Ci's looked to each other and back at the bag setting it down. Two police officers saw the movement and came to investigate as well. One of the C.I.s began to unzipped the bag. Gun shots went off startling them. The startling part was they came from inside the police station. Not paying attention the C.I. did not see it in time as the body rose up from the bag and grabbed a hold of him and bit down on his flesh. The C.I. screamed and the two officers began hitting it with their batons.... ..... in one of the big office buildings something else was going on. In the mens bathroom the man bitten by the rat was eating. Eating on a fellow coworker. Tell finally the coworkers became just like him. They rose up and moved out of the bathroom. In the office many more of them moved about as people scrambled to exit the building.......... ....... it did not take long before they reached the steps of the shrine. Zomura sighed and then began climbing. "Wonder how your grandfather is doing..." He asked. She wondered the same thing as they climbed the hundred steps to the top. A cherry blossom in the center with pieces of paper tied to its branches. The paper contained the wishes of some of Tokyo's citizens. Toji waved over at the two raising a brow as Yumiko returned with some odd friends. The man with the gun for one. He gulped. "If you go into that building I will bring food to you right away..." She said. "First things first, I have to get this medicine to my grandfather." Zomura went with her and when they went to the room that housed her grandpa she saw her father pulling over the covers. The covers were being placed over the old man's face and she dropped the medicine. Her hands going up to her mouth as she tried not to cry. Zomura pulled her in and embraced her.. "Go on let it out,... best not to hold it in."He said. The moment he said that she broke out into crying. He looked to her father and nodded. Zomura brought up his cellphone and went through his contacts and then hit call once he found one titled 'Uncle'... "Hey Uncle you there?" He said speaking in japanese. [i]"What is it Tojen"[/i] a voice rang out. "You need to get out to the old shrine... Old man Riusaki just died." He said and he heard the phone hung up on the other side. Him and his family were very close to these people. Suddenly Zomura and Yumiko would hear a scream coming from the room coming from her father. When they moved to go look once more. Her grandfather was biting down her father. "Nanda ittai?" He said as he moved to shove the old man off. The old man looked crazed with his eyes hazed over as he tried to bite him. "what the hell is wrong with you old man" He kicked him off. The old man's body began to recover from the fall. Zomura moved quickly to grab his .32 from its holster and fired three shots. At that time his uncle's car as well as three others arrived hearing the gun shots. His uncle and about a dozen others hopped out running up the stairs to see what the gunfire was all about. When they reached the room they saw Zomura with his .32 and a body of the old man with two shots in the chest and one in the head. They also saw her father holding his neck. He was losing a lot of blood. "What the hell happened?" His uncle yelled out. Yumiko quiet and in shock. "The old man attacked Yumiko's father and nearly tried to bite me too." Zomura answered. "What? is that true?" His uncle said asking her father. The man nodded and Zomura's uncle cursed. Suddenly things turned to the worse as the father felt himself drifting from the blood loss. Yumiko went to rush over but Zomura grabbed her and took her with him outside. His uncle shoving one of his goons in to try and stop the bleeding. Suddenly the men jumped even more including Zomura and Yumiko as Toji moved to them to see what was going on, they heard cars screeching and gun fire from inside Tokyo... what the hell was going on?