[center][hider=Morphine] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-yNR-j4Gc[/youtube] [img]http://paperaquarium.com/assets/images/featured/veronica_morphine_featured.jpg[/img] [i][color=deeppink]"Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives."[/color][/i] [color=deeppink]Name:[/color] [s]Veronica Rose[/s] Morphine [color=deeppink]Age:[/color] 57 [color=deeppink]Gender:[/color] Female [color=deeppink]Race:[/color] Inhuman [color=deeppink]Rank:[/color] Field Agent - Clearance Lv 7 [color=deeppink]Division:[/color] Science/Technology - Medical Support [color=deeppink]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://paperaquarium.com/assets/images/submissions/veronica_m/veronica-morphine-photography-fashion-beautiful-pink-haired-girl-woman-blue-eyes-piercings.jpg[/img] [color=deeppink]Physical Description:[/color] Morphine stands at five feet eight inches, has a weight of around a hundred and thirty pounds, and her build is toned but on the slimmer side. At first glance, she wouldn't come across as a Doctor or an Agent... especially not at the true age she is. Morphine appears to be in her mid to late twenties, but is actually pushing on sixty years old. Her hair is a natural dirty blonde which she dyes a deep pink, and her eyes are a greyish blue color. She has various face piercings: two at the sides of her mouth and a nose ring on her left nostril. She has ear piercings running all the way to the top of each ear, and a long tattoo that covers her left arm, with a small one on her left leg. Having a deep appreciation for beauty, Morphine is very picky when it comes to what she wears. No matter the occasion, she is most often wearing something that is comfortable and easy to move in. She quite favors warm colors or brown and likes to keep up with the current fashion trends, as well as some things from her time. [hider=Sample Outfits] [img]http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/pxztjk-l.jpg[/img] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/61090789/large.jpg[/img] [img]http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/1ygija-l.jpg[/img] [color=deeppink]Personality: [/color] [/hider] [color=deeppink]History:[/color] [color=deeppink]"Ever since I was a little girl, I was told stories of how one day, I would go through a change and become something more than just [i]human[/i]."[/color] Morphine was born as 'Veronica Rose' into a family that was full of gifted individuals. Her parents, both Inhumans with small physical abnormalities, rejected their daughter at not having a different appearance as they had. As a result, the two despised their child until she became of age to go through her Terrigenesis. When she was twelve years old, Veronica went through the change, not realizing her ability at first; no one did. She appeared the same, had no odd powers over any elements or any physical changes, she was still just Veronica. Baffled by it all, her parents all but gave up on her, and life went back to the way it was before. Lonely. Thinking there was nothing much else to do with her life as an Inhuman, she left her village and went to live her normal life as a regular human. Over time, she began to notice subtle things about herself. How her hair would grow out an inch a week whenever she trimmed it, or when she would accidently scrape herself, the cut would heal faster than she could retrieve a band aid. The slow realization that there [i]was[/i] something different about her, was a scary thing for Veronica. Trying to pay it no mind, she went through the motions of being a 'normal' girl. She attended school, college for medicine as she had a deep desire to help people. With her smarts, she was easily able to graduate with a doctoral degree, as learning about the human body was easy to her. Working as a doctor was pleasing for her, but she always felt there was something missing in her life. Some thrill that she desperately wanted. The feeling clashed with her desire to be normal, and for a long time, she pushed those thoughts aside. As she got older, she realized she didn't seem to look her age, and it only brought more confusion to her in the long run. It was one day she had a patient who was dying of burn injuries, that Veronica would begin to realize the full extent of her power. She figured it out by chance, simply going to visit the patient on his deathbed. She had extended her hand and placed it on his for comfort, and simply... wished for him to get better. Right before her eyes, she would watch as the mans burn scars slowly began to heal, and she recoiled from the pain she had begun to feel. Startling herself with this discovery, she quickly left the room and demanded to go home for the day. A few hours later, she got a call that the patient had died. A few more times this happened, Veronica testing her power to heal on various patients, her ability working well along with her knowledge of the body and its workings. Rumors started going around in the workplace, and she started to recieve attention for her work in saving lives. Reporters wanted to hear her stories and people from all over the world wanted to be looked at by her and her alone. All of the attention she attracted eventually took a turn, and she was approached by SHIELD who apparently knew somehow that she was gifted. They promised her security, excitement, freedom when she wanted it... everything she wanted. And so, she went off the grid, Veronica Rose dissapeared and Morphine took her place. Joining SHIELD wasn't a hard idea to get behind. Knowing what she was and learning more about 'aliens' and 'superhumans' only seemed to make her feel more comfortable. During her time at the Academy, which she insisted on atteding, Morphine excelled at everything she did, but stuck to her guns and went with what she knew: science. Being placed under a SO that specialized in weapons for three years, she ended up becoming handy with a Sniper Rifle which only added to her worth as an Agent. As of recently, she has been slaving away in a lab, working in conjunction with engineers to develop... well, that information is Classified. [color=deeppink]Skills/Powers:[/color] Morphine has a wide variety of skills she learned during her time spent in the world. The title of Doctor is the most important among many. She has a vast knowledge of subjects that pertain to the human body and its functions, as well as things such as different poisons and how they affect the body. She has basic combat skills, and is a well strained Sniper. Other than that, she is the typical Agent who works as a Doctor/Researcher in labs most of the time. Morphine also has the Inhuman ability of Spontaneous Healing, meaning that she has the capabilities of rapidly healing herself and others. Her body does this automatically, without her doing anything. If she is wounded or injured, she can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, also slowing her body's natural aging process and increasing her life span. The rate and amount of healing varies depending on the injury. It can take her a few seconds to recover from a stab or a gunshot wound, but up to an hour to regrow lost limbs or such. She is generally in very good physical shape as her body is constantly reverting to healthy state. When it comes to healing others, this is where the price of her gift is paid. Earning the name 'Morphine' was no joke. When she comes in contact with someone who has been injured, the pain they are feeling at a specific body part is transferred to her body, effectively 'stealing' the pain and from the person while she is healing them. This is the major drawback from her ability. No matter how much pain she has gone through or taken from others, her tolerance for it remains low, and it is always a horrible reminder that her gift comes with a price. [img]http://paperaquarium.com/assets/images/submissions/veronica_m/veronica-morphine-photography-fashion-beautiful-pink-haired-girl-woman-rocks-blue-eyes.jpg[/img] [img]https://lh4.ggpht.com/ZUMqUjAEKKTVkvpmERKBJH1wsqgnQ3V8xvPlDx86r3Gz7fdAakFsXlXfG0cWdTwMGQ=w300[/img] [/hider][/center]