Conner sighed as he felt his attacker's grip loosen on his ankle and eventually let go and fall. "I did I finally ended it..." he said as he climbed back up and through the window of the partly destroyed cart. The cart came to its finale stop at an empty station which seemed good because no one wants to see a train pull up dead bodies on the floor destroyed/missing carts and lots of empty shells on the floor. Conner stepped out of the cart he was in and walked out of the station he saw his surface ship was waiting for him. He stepped inside the ship and sat down at the computer section of the vehicle and pulled up the 'Identity Searcher' he has and gave a few details of what his attacker was and a blood sample that got on his gun when he shot him. After a few minutes a match came up his name was Slade Wilson he has a wife and kids, and he was an assassin for hire. "Damn... Now I need to tell a widow I just killed her lover because he was hired to kill me..." Conner said rubbing his head. "Shit I also need to get Riku..." Conner got up and went to the ship's main controls and started to call Riku. "Hey... Yeah its me sorry about earlier... I ran into problems... Look I'll tell you when I get you... Oh and we need to stop by somewhere on the way back... Okay be there soon... Bye." Conner finished and started up the ship and drove off.