The irritation all but melted away as his soulmate spoke to him. He could ignore and forget the irritation as simply as a passing fly, his soulmate wanted to talk with him just as much as he wanted to. What could bring more happines to Danilo than that? [i]Just... Don't go anywhere.[/i] It was such a strange thing to say in Danilos mind. Why should he even consider going anywhere with out him? Especially if one count how long and patiently he waited to actually be here and now? Regardless Danilo gave a firm nod of confirmation that he will indeed be staying there. The dragon followed with his eyes as the owner of the Porsche, the suited man walked up to the police and started speaking. His soulmate making just a step or two before he turned around and grabbed the dragons hand. The action was a surprise, but a welcome one, as his heart forgot to beat for a moment as the burning from the wrist was gone the lack of it sending of a chill deep into him. He lost the pleasant warmth but he got something so much better in return. "Keegan Lowry, by the way. Good to have you here." Danilo returned the handshake. [color=9e0b0f]''Danilo Suvic, likewise my long awaited soulmate, Keegan. Or simply call me Dan.'' [/color] There they have officially meet each other. It was none of the thousands of scenarios he played in his head, but for some reason Danilo didnt want to change anything in their meeting. He hold onto Keegans hand for a few more moments, and reluctantly managed to make himself, let it go. He gave him a nod and a smile, motioning to the police men. Once that is dealt with, Danilo just knew he would have all the time of the world to learn everything there is about Keegan, and answer anything his soulmate wanna know. So what did it meant being patient just for a few more minutes anyway? He hold his cane, letting his finger dance over it, as he observed the situation. Waiting on the spot, just like he was asked to. He draw his head away and looked to a older woman to his side. Was she all the time here? [color=9e0b0f]''Are you a friend of Keegan?'' [/color]He simply asked her, with a curious note in his voice.