[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d7/6a/27/d76a27cb57ceba23231518c020eea95c.jpg[/img] [b]Real Name[/b] Thorn Touché [b]Alias[/b] Thorn Blackwell, Black Cat, Dark Beauty, Scarlet Paradise [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Power(s)[/b] [u]Feline Finesse[/u] Thorn has the uncanny ability to control cats, being able to get even the wildest strays to follow her orders. [b]Skill(s)[/b] [u]Trilingual[/u] Thorn is fluent in Latin, French, and English. [u]Fencing Protege[/u] Thorn has been learning the art of fencing since the day she could hold a sword. She is on par with some of the top most fencing masters in the world. [u]Cat Burglar[/u] Thorn is not only a cat person, she is nimble as one too, making her quite the skilled thief. She can walk through a crowd and pick all their pockets with out anyone noticing or break into a house and be out before anyone ever realizes she was there. [u]Chief[/u] Thorn is also a rather skilled cook, being able to make some rather mind blowing food. [u]Dark Arts[/u] Though she doesn't cast any spells herself Thorn has a rather good understanding of the magical elements of the world. [b]Weakness(es)[/b] [u]Soft Hearted[/u] Thorn has a soft spot for two things, cats and kids. She can't help but go out of her way to them. [u]"Hey I'm not Superman!"[/u] Despite all her skills Thorn is still human and can die of all the things that can kill a human, bullets, stab wounds, being set on fire, etc. [b]Appearance[/b] Thorn reminds you of a clever fox. She has wide gray eyes. Her soft, curly, chocolate-colored hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a cascading waterfall. She has an athletic build. Her skin is chocolate-brown. She has a high forehead and an upturned nose. Her wardrobe is elaborate, with a lot of black and green. [b]Costume[/b] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/f03c55699e2c7f860c587d3f15fb52de/tumblr_mm1depwNZQ1riuxx2o1_1280.png[/img] [b]Backstory[/b] Thorn was not wanted as a baby due to being a drunken accident between Selina and her henchman Freddy. Selina dumped Thorn into Freddy's care. He nurtured her within his life of crime and taught her how to Fence. While growing up she was always the top of her class, her skills became enhanced with age, her first pet was a cat which she learned about her ability to control cats. Learning how to cook as Freddy could never do it. Studying the Dark Arts as a way to escape the hectic Gotham life. Thorn would take anything she wanted from a young age, getting better and wiser throughout the years to become, much like her mother, a cat burglar. Within the last few years, she has made enemies, found out whom her mother is and understood where she belonged in her father's life after he becomes engaged with a woman who he trains at his fencing school. [b]Enemies[/b] [u]Oswald "Penguin" Chesterfield Cobblepot[/u] Thorn has stolen quite a bit of money from Penguin's Iceberg Lounge. [u]John "The Joker" Doe[/u] Thorn has foiled a few of the clown prince of crime's mad plans with her thievery. [u]Bruce "The Batman" Wayne[/u] The Batman being the capped crusader of Gotham does not take kindly of a thief like Thorn. [u]Robin[/u] Of course Batman's sidekick wouldn't like Thorn. [b]Family/Friends[/b] [u]Freddy "The Fence" Touché[/u] Her father, he raised them so they are rather close. [u]Selina "Catwoman" Kyle[/u] Her mother, Thorn is not close with her as Selina abandoned her at a young age. [b]Crush/Relationship[/b] None at the moment [b]Prison Status/Sentence[/b] [u]15 Accounts of murder: 50 years[/u] [u]8 Accounts of assault: 10 years[/u] [u]50 Accounts of theft: 5 years[/u] [b]Other[/b] [u]She has a small black cat named Chesh[/u] [u]When she is committing a crime she likes to listen to Carmen by Lana Del Rey[/u] [/center]