Danica nodded and headed out following Zomura and Yumiko, looking over at the Albanian as they headed towards the shrine. Reaching into her hoodie pocket and pulling out a tissue. “Pressure,” she said before pressing it to her own forehead and then handing it over to him as they walked. Sean keeping pace with Danica as they walked, letting out a low whistle as he saw the Shrine, it was definitely something he would love to photograph if he ever got the chance. Maybe after lunch he thought to himself. Danica kept up and nodded as they were instructed to part ways for a bit while she handled somethings with her grandfather. Danica gave a quick head gesture to Sean for him to follow her and made their way into the building. Danica froze in her tracks as she heard the scream and the subsequent gun fire, involuntary ducking down for a moment, Sean hitting the floor hard. Rolling her eyes at him she stood back up and ran towards the sounds. Seeing Zomura pulled Yumiko outside she stopped in her tracks. “What the hell was all that?” she asked in English, not bothering with Japanese right then with all the commotion. “I thought Shrines were supposed to be peaceful,” she said as she walked over closer to them.