Marcus bit his lip as he tried to think of any relevant survival skills for the situation they were in. Damn. Maybe if he had taken medical science... No, that wouldn't have helped them at all. Unobtainable medicine would do no good for them, especially in this world. But there had to be something that he could provide that would be of use to them... No, wait, there was! Even though it wouldn't have been as useful, this was still definitely better than nothing! "Well, I guess it's a good thing I studied what I did, then. Though it isn't the most efficient way of doing things, for the moment I can probably craft some rudimentary tools out of whatever we can gather..." Yes, that was it! Tools! Though that old man was trying to do much of the same, the materials he was using and the way they were being crafted was subpar, at best. He, who had studied history from the Paleolithic era to the present day, knew what had worked and what hadn't, and since quite a few of his classes focused on the creation of such tools... "Yeah, I think I can handle that. Though... At the current moment, my options seem to be quite limited." As the group continued walking on, a few small trees came into their field of view. Marcus smiled; sustaining trees of that size and number, if at all, required a nearby source of water. That would be one less worry for them, which was a burden off of his mind. Water also meant animals, which meant food... "Hey, Rae, there any bodies of water nearby? Rivers, lakes, streams... Anything in this general area?" Marcus asked as the group continued walking closer to the trees that now seemed to dot their field of vision. [@Tokki][@VitaVitaAR][@WeepingLiberty][@Zombehs] ---------- The Dwarven guards were in shock for a moment as the man immediately gave in to them. Most humans they had seen were usually cocky enough to pick a fight with them and ended up dying for their troubles, so this was... New. "...You go check him out." "Nah, I dealt with the last one. You do it." "...Fine." With that little dispute out of the way, the first guard handed the second his axe and moved to go and pat down the human intruder. After ascertaining that he was of absolutely no threat to them, the two dwarves immediately sheathed their weapons and, with strength betraying their stature, dragged the man through the cavern and to a small restroom, which in actuality was nothing more than a caved-out area meant to serve as an outhouse for the miners. "Hurry up in there. We have to take you to the boss as soon as you're done." [@SadCubone]