[h2][b]Rick Narcik[/b][/h2] I’ve been jogging into the forest for a while now. It’s odd, but I don’t seem to have much need for rest… all the better to get away from the morons who think they can control me. Assholes. Anyway, I’ve slowed down now mostly through necessity - the landscape for presumably miles around is obscured by trees, and I can’t really hear any significant sounds beyond birds chirping and insects flying around. Am I going to have to start punching trees? Or, like, flying up to attack the birds up there? Am I even [i]able[/i] to fly, or is that not one of my powers? Maybe I can emulate it with one of my other powers, but I’m not entirely convinced that flying is in and of itself one of my abilities. That being said, maybe attacking some birds is a good idea. If I get more powerful just by fighting, then I will need something to fight, won’t I… if I can find a bird of enough strength to take out, all will be well. Ideally.