[color=004b80]The Ashen & The Soruli[/color] [quote=@Raindeer] The Alpha followed the gentle guidance and laid down, allowing further grooming with continued purring. The surrounding hounds that received grooming joined in the purring, slowly forming a choir loud enough to overpower the surrounding sounds of the rainforest. They followed the lead of their newfound friends, the Alpha sticking close behind the bird with black fur, gently brushing his nose against her feathers, taking in her scent. [/quote] Mica made a soft sound of discontent in the back of her throat as the leader of the purring creatures began sniffing at her, her light blue eyes giving looks toward Cor's tall white frame next to her as she steps over a log that is fallen along the path. "Why does he sniff me so much?" She ponders aloud, letting out some low cawing sounds. Cor makes a cheery laughing sound, his eyes curved upward, "Perhaps he enjoys the smell of darker hair." He gestures to his own white furred body and Ima's cream one as they follow him. Another sniff from the large creature behind her, taking in the subtle scent of berries clinging to her fur from her earlier gathering. Thankfully none of the following pack see the look of annoyance that crosses her face for a moment before Cor reaches over to touch her arm, softening the expression. "He does not bite." Cor noted, his hand pulling away from her arm after a moment of cooing to her, "I know you do though." Mica makes a tiny squawk of surprise as he says that causes Ima's clucking chuckles ahead of them, her taloned finger moving to poke at Cor's pale side. "You are the one that cuddles and constricts like vine upon wood when we sleep." Ima keeps his dark eyes of blue focused on the path ahead and the potential dangers that may arise, commenting with calm clucks. "You both use my body to rest your own upon regardless. Aside from weight, I do not complain." The conversation lulls into a casual kind, almost treating the hounds following them like little-kin they are leading along. Stopping to occasionally pick fruit to feed them or pet one or another as they walk. The thrumming of drums is soon heard, a heartbeat running on its own time through the rainforest. A clearing could possibly be seen coming into view beyond the trees, filled with the colors of the different Soruli and their activities at the base of some massive tree. Ima turns, raising his hands to halt the following clan-members and gives a few soft chirps toward Mica and Cor. "I will go and inform the rest of their arrival and how they should be handled. All who are not occupied may be extra help in caring of these new friends." Cor and Mica nod their heads in unison, turning to begin the distraction of petting and grooming again until he returned. ~~~ [color=9e0b0f][b]The Soruli & The Arsuron Traders: The Exchange.[/b][/color] [@Nerevarine] As she watches this bone shape and become a mask, she tilts her head here and there, sitting beside Anjar and retrieving fruits and water for him in case he desired any. Other Soruli assemble to watch the task as time passes, engrossed despite the efforts being so long in time. There are moments where Naho makes drawings to convey questions, "What is your name? What do you call eyes? What do you call mouths? What do you call fur and feather?" As the hours reach completion, Naho raises her hands to rest her taloned fingertips against her cheeks, her eyes curving upward in surprise as her face is mirrored in the white bone. She lets out a happy chirping noise, immediately holding up the mask to her "ever-smiling" face in excitement. Gently resting the copper knife aside (after marveling at its odd beauty) she shuffles herself closer to hug, yes hug, Anjar with her free arm as she practically glows with happiness. The Soruli watching cheer and applaud as they look at the mask, in awe. The traders that awaken find themselves laying with at least one or two Soruli, their warm soft furred regions providing a type of comfortable rest though surprisingly intimate positions. Everything smelled pleasantly of fruits or flowers and their hair seemed to be cleaned to the point of luscious shine. The skin potentially hardened by travel somehow softer from pastes rubbed and rubbed into their skin and their muscles fluid after the relaxation. The angered trader ended up having three to four Soruli around him, cooing and continuing to massage and ensure the jabbing and prodding marks left were not to be infected. Even getting him something if he merely gestured to it. Enough of the bone was taken to make five masks aside from the one made for Naho and each trader given a small nut that held a another coated nut inside, a smaller dosage that would be just as intense as the one tried prior, though lessened- for the sake of their safety- so that it lasted for two hours rather than four. [quote]"You can keep that one," Anjar wrote, pointing at the previously prodded and stabbed scout. "But who will you send with us?"[/quote] Naho holds her mask to her chest, pondering his question in turn before looking to all the Soruli walking around. Someone who could be comfortable leaving. Someone without little kin to care for. She tilts her head, drawing a picture to explain her added thoughts. "The one that stays may go back home, carrying knowledge and friendship. More may stay and go as time goes on." "If he is to stay and carry knowledge back..." She considers something, looking down to her crafted mask before nodding her head, finally adding. "I will go with you to stay and carry knowledge back."