[h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82847-cradle-of-divinity-signups-always-open/char#post-2801576]Grant[/url][/h3][indent] Grant began to charge after the bear as it tried to escape with the green girl, but quickly realized he was far outstripped by the bear's four-legged sprint. Standing, out of breath and slightly dazed, he took a moment to do a mental inventory of what had happened in the past - what felt like - seconds. Perhaps it was time to start operating on the assumption that there was actually some truth to what the so called goddess had said. Perhaps it was time to assume that this was actually happening, and not just some sort of dream or vision. [i]I woke up in that bed... almost like a pod. The stuff in there looked... electronic? This place doesn't look like any environment I know of on earth. And that thing... a bear?[/i] Grant was starting to wish he remembered the Biology he'd taken. Although he was pretty sure no species existed that looked like [i]that[/i]. And then there was the issue of this sword. He brought it up in front of his face to examine. [hider=Sword Image] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/686c/f/2014/178/9/8/2014_06_21_00001_by_mrsisco-d7o7jge.jpg[/img] [center]Silver Knight Straight Sword from Dark Souls rendered in Skyrim[/center] [/hider] Steam was still rising off of it in wisps. Curious, he knelt down and placed it on the ground. The second he released his grip, the sword disappeared, dispersing into some sort of glowing particulate. [i]Did I make that?[/i] Grant shook his head and stood back up. The absurdity of the situation overwhelmed him. Him, a lawyer from Los Angeles, had evidently been kidnapped to some alien world, imbued with magical powers, and left to fend for himself. Well, on second thought, he wasn't entirely alone. He turned around to face Darius. [b]"So, you can throw ice spears then."[/b] Grant started laughing humorlessly, overwhelmed by the insanity of what had just happened. [/indent]