[b]Vestus[/b] Vestus flinched a little when the woman shot a blast of cold and sweat went down his brow, he tried to act cool as if he hadn't been afraid but he was smiling through clenched teeth so to speak. [@Minnakht] "The cool one eh well that's a little to cold for my taste why don't we turn up the heat?" He was wondering awhile back why he felt so warm and fiery on the inside and at times he realized within him he was radiating a little bit of heat and he now thought about what else he could do so he for a second scratched his head and thought what any person would do if they had some kind of heat power so he switched his gaze to his hand and he extended it forward so the group may see and focused intensely on his hand he felt a slight tingle in his hands as he started focusing harder and after a minute small flames danced across his finger tips and then they got larger until the blaze was surrounding his whole hand and it didn't even effect him it only felt slightly like he was being tickled. "And I'm the hot one!" He said looking at everyone as they stood there and the he made the fire die down as he lessened his will and let the fire douse. "My body feels like a furnace at times" He explained how it felt in short and he enjoyed how flames only tickled him now which deeply amused him though life would not be the same as it ever was. Vestus wondered what else he was capable of other than lighting himself on fire and being extremely resistant to it.