[@RPforthatPR] you didn't provide why they would join the group, what need they have in the group, etc. They're not just going to hang around for no reason. I don't know if you got the CS before it was updated, if so then I'm sorry for the inconvenience but that is a required field to fill out. You also mentioned he joined the army. There are no countries anymore, an army wouldn't exist. A battle with small sides? Sure, but no full-blown armies, no one's organised enough anymore. The world went out with a whimper in this reality, there was no big blow, everything just sort of decayed over time. And my only issue with the age is the question of why he would join a group led by two teenagers. If you provide a reason I'm sure it would be fine. Oh and one more thing I should mention. Going dark eyes doesn't mean you lose yourself altogether, you're not a new person, you're just... a shell. I don't think there's any huge issues with yours but just for a pointer for everyone, that's what it is. It brings out negative qualities you already had and makes them worse, you forget what you wanted and let the world get to you. Think of it like giving in to the dark parts of your mind. Be it depression or something worse, but it isn't a new trait that pops up, it's giving in to something that's always been there in the back of your mind. So yeah, no issues on the age so long as you provide a logical reason for a 48 year old man to hang around a bunch of young adults and teens.