The woman notified Greg that Brandon is alive. "Thank God" Greg sighed in relief. Until she mentioned the blood, and lots of it. "Damn it I should have brought the first aid kit from my backpack." Looking down, Greg muttered. He looked back up and announced "I've got a small first aid kit back at.." he stopped for a brief moment and thought "is she to be trusted? Can I trust her and tell her where the rest of us are?". "Back at a building where the backpack is. It's just back ahead" he continued. As they nearly reached the bottom of the fire escape, she asked if there where any other companions. Greg was confused, to trust he or not to? He wondered. "Yes there are a two more of us" he announced as he approached the bottom and reached for Brandon's legs. "Not that I know off miss, the stadium was supposed to be the last one though" he answered to her question. Helping Brandon down, he asked "Are you okay Brandon". He grabbed him gently and put him down on the sidewalk. Greg laid his hand out to the woman as she went down the staircase. Now they're all down on the ground. Greg held Brandon from his arm and laid it upon his shoulders, helping Greg limb up. "Shit.." Greg thought as he saw Brandon's injury. "Remind me to never let you play with explosives again man" Greg said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Come on miss, it's straight ahead" pointing at the bank building by his chin. As they started moving towards the bank building, Greg wasn't afraid anymore, rather he felt safe. Being with others in this fucked up city for now is the best thing that could happen to anyone. Looking at the woman walking by his side he said "I'm Greg, pleasure to meet you. And thanks for saving my pal" he smiled. Once they reached the bank and entered. Greg announced his arrival by shouting, calling Horace "Horce we're here". He then proceeded to the counter where he left his backpack, limping Brandon along with him. He gently laid him down, and quickly took out his first aid kit from the bag. "Let's fix you up" smiled Greg.