There was a teenage girl wondering through the streets of the city, drenched from head to toe in sea water and had a piece of seaweed in her hair that hadn't yet been noticed by the girl. This was Pearl Carter, daughter of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, that's where she had just came from, she had been living in the sea for two weeks after some government representatives had found her and chased her to try and put her in a home. That was when she had gotten the calling, Pearl had had a feeling that she needed to leave the sea and go somewhere in or near the city which she had finally gotten to, it had taken four days for her to arrive at the city's port. When she had got there all of the fishermen and sailors had stared at her but she didn't mind, she was used to it but she quickly half-walked, half-jogged away. She could tell that she was getting close now as she went through the city and came to the edge of it, she could see a group of caves not too far away. So that is where Pearl went, as she got closer she saw a girl, huffing and puffing with her load, she seemed to be carrying a sort of jar. She knew that that was the place and decided to see if the girl needed help even though it was against her nature but she felt that the jar was important although she couldn't tell why. She ran up to the girl and asked in her strong English accent,[color=00a99d]" Would you like some help by any chance?"[/color] She knew that she would be able to help, being on the streets for so long had strengthened her even though she was slippery with the water. She figured that a hour in the sun would cure that.