[@Argetlam350] She nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of her head, thinking to herself "[i][color=1a7b30]Well, hope he likes tom boys, I can't say my habits are girly in any way.[/color][/i]" The thought brought a slight chuckle from her, but she quickly stifled it and cleared her throat slightly. After a moment to collect her thoughts, she said "[color=1a7b30]Well, I like reading, I play video games and I go shooting at the gun range, though I guess you could half-count that as work, but I love it so hey. What about yourself? Surely you programmer types don't spend all day writing Skynet.[/color]" She offered the last part in jest with a light chuckle, though even she didn't think her joke had been particularly high quality this time. Her nervousness was beginning to fade as the conversation carried on, as it seemed that Alekaiser didn't meet any of the criterion that had caused her such fear before, and he seemed to be a pretty good conversationalist to boot. For now, it didn't seem like she could've been matched up with much better.