Lights glow down unto the rings from the distant top of the tent, from the ground it may appear to be normal spotlights but are in reality a nice touch of magic. They flashed harshly in time with the off-key, speedy, and thumping music blasting from no where. The tent smelled of smoke, sweat, and a sort of.. Naturish fragrance. Like a bed of flowers. Three large rings sat in the middle of the tent. Benches, couches, bleachers, and stools were placed crazily around the ring. These seats are packed to the gills with a cheering crowd. They hooped and hollered as all manner of unspeakable things happened in the ring. Things too big for most of them to even comprehend, but yet they still enjoyed it incredibly. With a thunderous boom and a blinding flash of light the crowd roared a renewed cheer to the grand finale of the act now passed. The music lulled a beat slower but not a bit more, and the crowd hushed to a murmur. A woman with greying hair and a wise face waltzed slowly to center ring. Even from the back of the tent you would be able to see the large grin on her face. Why did she smile so? Who could know.. Perhaps it was because she had in some way or another made sure that Dragon Senior would be a bit late to the stage. Perhaps because she ever so loved to goad the fearsome Dragon, and not being their to strut his stuff would put the little man in one of his amusing little moods. But really, who could know? She straightened the colorful jacket she wore and spoke to the entire crowd. Her words echoed throughout the entire tent and yet she didn't have a microphone. Quite peculiar, wouldn't you say? "Wasn't that act incredible everyone?!" The crowd cheered back in response. A few people even whistled above the yells. Nora's grin widens and she continues as she walked around the ring. "So glad to hear it! We hear at the [i]Silverheart[/i] and Rockjaw Underground Circus always strive to do our best!" At this a quiet chuckle went through the seats at Nora's joke. Dragon would always be one to correct her whenever she [i]misspoke[/i] the name. But once again, he wasn't hear. So instead Nora just stood there and let out a small giggle herself. Then again... Maybe he should be here. Nora spoke up again, "Now I know most of you are without a doubt wondering where my other half is, yes?" A few mores cheers and she kept going. "Well, I suppose the show can't go on without him!" Nora then turned around towards a door to backstage and started calling out sweetly, "Dragon! Here Dragon!" A small Corgi waddled out from behind a colorful stitched together curtain. It tumbled towards Nora, barking excitedly and wagging it's small tail. It ran up to Nora's feet and started hopping at her legs. Nora laughed and crouched down to give the dog a pat on the head. As she did the crowd once again started laughing. The next round of performers had started to come out into the rings, so Nora knew it was time to rap up. "Well, I guess that's enough of that. If you like that act let's see how you enjoy what we have in store next for ya!"