[h2]Lucina[/h2] Lucina had been told to follow until further notice, and so she followed, all the way to the Teleporter. (Apparently that's an occupation.) Lucina is quite used to abrupt transportation through space and time at this point, and was not fazed (too badly) by the sudden transition. She looked up at probably the most important man in Academy City... not knowing who he was. "Excuse me, sir," she said to Aleister Crowley. "My name is Lucina. I was brought upon this city not by my own volition, but apparently by some form of scientific accident. Would you kindly explain why my presence, along with that of this apparently-somewhat-troublesome mage, is needed in this building?" [h2]King Dedede[/h2] King Dedede leaned on his hammer. "So, we gettin' to investigatin' or what? Crime ain't takin' a holiday, that's for sure."