Many found the silence in the Dojo's garden to be peaceful, or bliss even, but for the Ember Warframe wearer that meditated in it, it was solitude. He was still haunted by the memory of the site of Master Shinto dead in his room and while he had spoken no words to anyone, not even Samsara, he had sworn to himself that he would personally bring the murderer to justice, even if it cost him his own life. Still, for the time being, he would not worry himself about it until Samsara returned from where ever she'd gone and he could speak with her about it. Perhaps he was thinking too much about it. As he returned to simply meditating, he heard the soft step of a Warframe's step. [i]And so we do this again. Just one day, I'd like to FINISH my meditation in the garden.[/i] Still, the Ember made no movement to betray that he'd heard anything. Instead, he listened closely, and identified that the one on his right had already had a fight with someone and earned a leg injury for it, based on the fact that his left foot stepped with a slight limp. The other was fresher however, and had already drawn what sounded like a Skana as it brushed against the grass ever so lightly. He waited and counted down the steps until they would be in range and then moved. He flowed into a standing position and launched a fireball to his right, impacting the Excalibur frame in their chest and sending them tumbling back. The other suit, a Mag, Pulled the Ember towards him, a poor move on his part. Pulling his kamas from their resting place in the middle of the small of his back, he spins and delivers a decisive double slash downwards, forcing the Warframe to bring up their Skana in defense. Placing his foot against the Mag's chest, he kicks off and flips once, landing on his feet and looking at the two downed Warframes. Though he normally didn't speak, he choose to now. "You have both tried this several times, and I have been kind. If you persist, I will bring your's and your teacher's careless actions to the attention of the other Council members." The Mag rose first, bringing his Skana up into a ready position as the Excalibur picked herself up with a groan, also wielding a Skana. [b]"Our teacher bears no knowledge of our attacks on you, Jenus. But he does wish that as many of Samsara's supporters be persuaded otherwise as possible."[/b] The Excalibur grunted in agreement and Jenus sighed. Kuro's followers were growing bolder. "Very well then, test yourselves against one of the Clan's elders, perhaps the lesson in humility that I'd thought you'd learned by now will sink in." Again, so many words were rare, but his patience was running thin with these constant interruptions to his meditations. The Mag and Excalibur simply charged as one in response. [hr] Fifteen minutes later, Jenus delivered the pair to the medical bay, both bearing burns and cuts from the fight and, with a nod to the medical personnel there, returned out to the gardens to try once more to meditate. He sighed as he kneeled and closed his eyes. He hoped that things would resume a semblance of normality soon, he was tired of the impromptu sparring that had become more common for anyone who opposed Kuro.