I started talking Alan's ear off as I followed him back to the clearing where we met everyone else, and, while I thought he'd be annoyed by my incessant chatter, he was somehow intrigued... at least, as far as I could tell. The kid didn't say a single word to me, and once we got back, there seemed to be one more creature than there was child. This one was even stranger than the other two... of course, I didn't really have room to talk, given my own appearance, however, at the risk of sounding rude, I ask the strange, fanged thing "Who... or what are you, exactly?" The other two kids had their own creatures, similar to myself, they were slime, or slug-like in appearance and physical properties, however, the other two kids at least spoke. Alan was stricken even more mute by the two unknown kids, let alone the other strange creature. Oddly, one of the kids was wearing his creature as if it were a scarf, while the other one, more specifically, the girl, was holding the thing close to her chest as if the creature was a precious baby, rather than some odd thing that had some sort of attachment to her. [i]So, I guess I should be a little happier about this, I mean, I finally found other forms of life in this strange place, and I honestly hope that this fourth creature isn't hostile.[/i] I then remember that I haven't actually introduced myself to any of the others, but, given the situation, I supposed that could wait until a little later, at least.