Just outside that same bar, a fight had broke out between two titans, with a crowd betting on who'll win. A powerful punch rockets towards a black and red clothed girl as she falls to the ground with a crackle. Before she can get up, a foot slams on her chest, knocking out the wind from her lungs as she gasps in pain. The so-called aggressor was a 7 foot tall woman, with a black, ragged-spined, tail wiggling slowly behind her. Gojira-San looms over her fallen opponent as she issues a nasty sounding growl. "That's what you get for pickin' a fight on me BITCH!" she shouts as she stomps on the opponent again causing blood to come from her mouth. "*Gaghl* S-S-STOP! STOP!" cries the fallen victim with blood bubbling from her mouth, "I - *Gurgle* - give u-up!" As Gojira-san lifts her foot up for another stomp, the fallen girl manages to push the incoming foot away as she scurries away from her, almost causing Gojira-san to loose balance. After scurrying a few feet, the girl slowly picks herself up, with her tattered wings ripped just about to shreds. A wounded crackle escapes her maw. "Curse you Godzilla!" she hisses defensively as she spits out some saliva mixed with blood, "MUTO didn't do anything to you! MUTO didn't start fight with you!" "Your kind makes me FUCKING SICK!" roars Gojira-san as she shakes her head, "All of you should burn for the destruction of my kind! Every time I see you bitches doing whatever the hell, I get mad and start killing you all!" "MUTO didn't kill any of your kind!" begs the MUTO girl, "MUTO was minding own business until you showed up and fought MUTO to the death!" "You and your kind earned it!" answers Gojira-san aggressively, "NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT OR I'LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!" The MUTO showed no interesting in staying as she quickly scurries away woundingly into the crowd. Gojira-san was victorious! She gives another powerful roar, showing her dominance as the crowd goes wild over her victory. Yet what Gojira-san was shouting was indeed true. Back in her Universe, the MUTO clan was responsible for killing most of her kind long ago. She was one of the last remaining species of her kind to still live today. Even though she didn't kill the opponent, her anger levels quickly decreased back down to regular status and she snorts. It felt incredibly satisfying to beat her long sworn nemesis, though she seemed a lot more timid then the ones back home... [hider=The MUTO Girl][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/140/b/7/kaiju_girls__muto_by_bjsinc-d7j2ydw.jpg[/img][/hider]