Raa had been easily brought alongside the other diplomats. Her mind was still shaken by the experience as she played the scene over and over in her head, trying to calm since the chaos was over. It was then she recognized Solares. Her eyes blinked and head leaned into examine the turian closer, making sure she wasn’t seeing things. He was busy talking with Voira and the human, making Raa listen and stare for bit. It wasn’t until Solares moved past the turians and addressed her did she snap to full attention. "Seem's Raa didn't take my advice on the modifications to make you less obnoxious, RK. Speaking of which, how is my favorite Quarian doing, holding up alright I hope?" Solares’ hand placed upon her shoulder causing her to relax. She gave him a small smile, though it was unseen past his helmet. "You seemed shaken during the battle, once you are in enough of them that won’t happen anymore. I am more concerned about your well being though, you were not hit or caused too much mental trauma were you?" His eyes turned to concern and glanced around her figure, inspecting for tears or wounds. “No, I’m fine. I managed to stay near the wall, avoiding a few close calls. Not much use in a gunfight.” Raa stated, her eyes avoided Voira’s stared, while noting RK sticking her digit tongue out. “At least I don’t put my friends in harm's way, turian.” The AI remarked and was refering to the scene back when they first met. She had been against it the whole time yet couldn’t do much to persuade Raa from being naive. Before Solares could likely answer, Avatar spoke in his artificial voice. "Warning: it is not advisable to remain here. Hostile forces may converge on our location shortly. I recommend moving into the security station and establishing a defensive position while I attempt to access station security." Quickly, before following the Geth, Donny added. "That's the idea. Either the Geth or Raa will shut down whatever is locking us in while the rest of us cover them. I know it's not fool proof, but we have neither the time nor the intel for anything better. We should hurry though. It'll be much more difficult if my people get gunned down." Her attention whipped back to the platform, spotting the Geth already moving toward the door and started to open it. His fingers tapped the control panel rapidly, then raised his new rifle, stepped into the room. Raa edged over to follow though she knew he wouldn’t need her help and slipping from Voira’s reach once more. Careful not to risk getting involved in a gunfight, she remained beside the doorway and watched. Naturally the others were already there, including Voira, taking position behind Avatar. Unsure what the Geth was staring at, another turian, a female, jerked out of cover and pointed her pistol at Avatar. Her hand was shaking as she spoke, eyes widened with fear, while she stammered. "D-don't step any closer! I'll...I'll shoot...I mean it!" Raa’s expression paled. Her hands pushed up to her mouth piece and startled at first, for the first wondering if she was about to get shot now. Slowly her mind realized how shaky the gun was. Something an intended killer wouldn’t have done, her eyes focusing on the individual and unsure what to do. One of the cabalist near her began to laugh and cracked a smile, seemingly knowing something she didn’t. What it was, though, was a mystery. Bravely the turian stepped forward. "Look lady, frankly we don't really care why you're here or who you're with. Just lower the gun, step away from the terminal, and we'll be on our way. You don't want to die for whatever "this" is.” His hand, freed from his gun, waved about the room to ensure the civilain understood. While the turian spoke, the human looked behind his shoulder to whisper. "Psssht, could someone talk to this civvie? I'd rather not have to gun her down, but she's starting to look trigger happy..." Raa immediately stepped forward and passed her gun to the asari, not allowing herself to be stopped. She was moving past both the human and turian, to rest beside the Geth where she slowly held her hands upright to see she was unarmed. Her head tilted in a friendly manner while she spoke in a clear but kind voice. “I’m going to flip my transparency, is that alright? So you can see my face and determine what I’m saying isn’t lying. Is that alright?” Turian nodded as Raa’s hand gently reached for the helmet’s side. She pressed the button which caused it to make a gentle hiss, her face more clearly seen through the visor. “Alright. Let’s take a breath and calm down. No one wants to hurt anyone as we were just nearly killed ourselves. If you look at my asari friend, over there.” Raa pointed to Voira. “We just got attacked when some strangers tried to take the room hostage. We barely made it out. Now we’re all trying to find a safe haven, but we need to get to one of those terminals. Will you let me or my friend, Avatar, get to them?”