[b][u]The old shrine[/u][/b] Zomura began to move Yumiko towards the group. Toji following behind and looking around franticly. Zomura had to use a bit of force. Yumiko's tears running down her face as she wanted to help her father. They approached Danica, Sean and Armand. He looked to them a little taken back as well from what he had saw. "What the fuck was that..." The only words he said at the moment. They heard more gunshots and Yumiko went wide eyed and tore from Zomura's grip and ran back to see her father's body ontop of one of Tsu's men. Smoke coming from the back of his head as Tsu point a gun in the direction of it. She saw the man pushing her father off and she got a look at his eyes. A glaze was over them just like her grandfathers and she just collapsed to knees. "Father...." She said and Tsu turned around quick. His hand shaking and his eyes watery. He did not like doing that and not in front of her. He then looked to his men. "Dig a grave for these two,... we can just leave them like this." He barked. Four of the men nodded and ran inside to drag off the bodies. Tsu then moved to Yumiko as he put his gun away. He was shaking and scared. He crouched down wanting to comfort her. She saw his features and knew he did not intentionally want to kill him. The Yakuza had no ill feelings over her family. They came around often giving them gift baskets and donating money to the shrine. She knew the problem wasn't with Zomura-chan's uncle. It was with whatever happened to her grandfather and her father. She lunged forward into Tsu's chest and began to weep. Zomura moved next to them ready to take her. "Lets move everyone inside, I will debrief my new friends of what happened." He said. Tsu nodded and guided Yumiko into a standing position. Zomura turned around and lowered himself. Tsu helped Yumiko onto Zomura's back and he held onto her legs and rose up. He looked to Armand and shook his head. He was scared and the albanian would see it. At this point he did not care. He moved towards them. "It was weird.... the old man and her father just changed in a couple seconds. The old man had attacked her father and almost took a bite out of me too. It was weird. Almost like one of those scenes from one of those horror flicks, only this was too real....." He said. He then wondered if this was happening else where..... [b][u]Outside the Photo shoot[/u][/b] (Kasumi's current location) The photo shoot was going well, even more better then the studio thought it would. The director of the shoot stood there beside her manager smiling. "You sure know where to pick them...." He said. The day would soon come to screeching halt. "Look pal you can't be back here..." A security guard held a man back. The man was not himself,... no not himself at all. The man's eyes had glazed over and suddenly the man turned its head to the side and bit down on the bodyguards arm. The guard yelped and punched the man in the face knocking him off his head flying back as it stepped back. It got its footing and the eyes turned to look at the guard as the head came back down into position. Death could be seen in its visage. Blood trickled down the man's chin. "What the fuck?...." He said. The zombie lunged forward again taking the bodyguard again this time biting his other arm. Two more zombies entered the studio. Kazumi would notice one looked familiar.... it was one of her makeup artists. The once trusted make up artist lunged at on of the men holding the lights up and tackled him to the ground. The man tried to fight back but found himself being biten on the shoulder. The other zombie was heading for Kazumi. The director a little shocked looked over to pick up a chair and charged forward swinging it at the zombie. The zombie hit the ground hard and the director started swinging again and again until the chair shattered. He looked back up to see more just like it wondering in. He then felt something grab his ankle. He looked down and saw the zombie he thought he pulverized biting down on his ankle. [b][u] The Shrine, 1 hour later[/u][/b] Yumiko was locked in a embrace with Zomura at the table as she cried. Tsu and his men standing around. The room was quiet and Toji just looked to each persons face..... he snapped. "Okay what the fuck is going on here?... I thought zombies only existed in hollywood?... What the hell is going on here? Why did they do that?.... what where those gun shots coming from town?.... why aren't we calling the authorities?....why are we just sitting here?" He barked frantically like the coward he was. Zomura shot a glare at him. Yumiko turned her head to look towards him. She had stopped crying thirty minutes ago. "Oh yes very smart Toji, lets call the police in here while a man from some tear away country of Russia stands here with a rifle on his back and several Yakuza members and two dead bodies." She barked. "Just untwist your panties from their not and grow some balls for once. Then maybe use your head for once." She continued. Ripping into him. They did not know what was going on either. He did not have to act like that. They were all scared.