For a while the crew of the ship just stood around, dumbfounded by the kid staring blankly back at them. "So... are you guys gonna turn this ship around or not?" Sammy asked while picking his nose. one of the deck hands walked up to the captain, "Orders, captain?" The captain just glared at Sammy, gritting his teeth. [i]This has to be some kind of joke. No man should ever be able to move that fast...[/i] Just then the captain got an idea. "Oi, kid!" he called out through his smirk. "that was pretty impressive, the way you ran across the water to get to our ship." he said walking up to Sammy. "eh, nothin to special," Sammy said plainly, "I'm just really fast." "So I've noticed," the captain was behind him at this point, "but i have a question for you..." "Hmm?" [b][i]*click*[/i][/b] "Can ya dodge bullets?" [b][i]*BANG*[/i][/b] Sammy ducked under the bullet, made a sweeping kick at the captains feet, and as he hit the ground, planted his foot on his chest. Sammy knelt down with his own grin and said, "Yes, yes i can."