The Turian woman seemed to only become more panicked as more people entered the room. At first, her gun darted back and forth between each newly arriving target, but she finally settled on leveling it at Raa once she started to speak. She looked at each of the people Raa pointed to as she mentioned them, but her gun did not budge. However, she was at least listening to Raa, and willing to respond. "I...I don't trust you!. Stay back! You're...from the Council, right? Why should I trust the Council? You don't care about us, you just want our planet. You'll just...lock me away for the rest of my life for pointing this thing at you. I'd...I'd rather die!" Avatar remained silent as the others spoke, as it knew it was the least qualified among them to negotiate with an emotionally compromised individual. It was aware that, when influenced by emotion, organics could behave irrationally, even when faced with undeniable evidence to an error in their actions. If the Turian were to engage in a firefight with their team at its current strength, the probability of her survival was negligible. However, if it presented her with that probability, she was still not likely to be dissuaded. Avatar did not understand how to appeal to emotion, so the task of calming the Turian fell to the others. Internally, however, it was calculating the probability as time passed of hostile forces arriving at the security station. Once again using the radio, Avatar communicated with the others without speaking aloud. "The probability of hostile forces arriving within ten seconds is approximately 12%, increasing by 0.38% per second." It warned.