Varg nods looking around, "It looks that way. I question your experience however considering your landing," He waits for her to stand before continuing the direction he was going before. ------------------------ Viola looks down at the girl she'd just run into. She stared at the girls ears trying to figure out what they were, "You're a Faunus..." the girl flinched at the statement, "Y-y-yes... I-is that a p-problem?" Viola looks at the girl frowning slightly, "No, not at all. Just making an observation," she holds out her free hand to help the girl to her feet, "So since we're now partners. I'm Viola. Nice to meet you." The girl smiles and takes her hand and pulls herself up, "N-nice to meet you. I-I'm Ari," she notices Viola looking at her ears, "Squirrel," Viola blinks, "huh?" Ari gives a small nervous smile, "I'm a squirrel Faunus," her ears twitch, "A-and I-I think the temple is th-that way..." She points in the way she'd been walking.