[h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82847-cradle-of-divinity-signups-always-open/char#post-2801576]Grant[/url][/h3][indent] [b]"Any ideas for where we go from here, uh, Grant?"[/b] said Darius as the teenager walked over to him. [i]That's a damn good question,[/i] thought Grant as he instinctively reached into his shirt pocket, forgetting that the pack of Marlboro Lights he kept there for moments such as these was now gone, simply vanished. He'd been paid $230,000 a year to come up with good answers to tough questions (or at least good-sounding ones) and now he was coming up empty, something that was becoming a trend in this, as the man in the lab coat had put it, brave new world. All his years of study, his overpriced Harvard education, were beginning to appear more and more worthless here. He almost laughed when he realized his martial arts hobby that cost $50 a month in gym membership fees would be more valuable. He had to say something though. Even stating the obvious would be preferable to standing there with his mouth hanging open, dumbfounded. [b]"We should see if... John? Yeah, I think that's right. We should see if John is alive. Maybe he's a doctor or scientist - he could know something about this place."[/b] Grant was aiming for sounding calm and confident - well, he managed to not stammer, at least. [b]"I suppose we should get to know each other as well. It looks like we're going to be spending some time working together. To, uh, overthrow some gods."[/b] Grant fell silent when he realized how ridiculous that sounded. He fell back on custom to break the awkward silence and stuck out his hand. [b]"As you obviously know, I'm Grant. Grant RaskstÄl. Darius, right?"[/b] [/indent]