Without saying a word, Solares quickly pulled Raa into an affectionate hug that only lasted for a couple of seconds. It was sure to catch Raa off-guard, and to upset Voria but in his defense he had not seen any of them for many years. After letting go of Raa, he grabbed onto his helmet and placed it back onto his head, locking it into position with a soft almost inaudible hissing sound. “Just a moment Raa, I have a weapon for you that I do not require or even want.” He reached onto the back of his urban digital combat armor and grabbed onto the executioner pistol he had just shot only a few moments ago. “Take this and be careful, it uses explosive ammunition.” Solares quickly turned around to regard Avatar who was warning them that they should move to the docking bay because there was a high chance that hostile forces could converge on their location. “I agree, we should move to the docking bay as soon as possible.” said Solares as he nodded his head once at Avatar. As they entered a security station shortly after heading out, a lone female Turian who seemed to be a civilian came out of hiding while brandishing a low level and mostly harmless pistol compared to their weapons. Not wanting to take any chances, Solares quickly removed the shotgun from the back of his armor and attacked a muzzle choke to it, taking aim with hammerhead rounds loaded. The Turian woman pointed her weapon at each of the group members while yelling at them to stay back, and tossing empty threats at them. "If someone does not do something quickly, we are going to get swarmed with hostiles and end up being killed." He glanced up at Avatar and motioned at the Turian, "Think you can overload her weapon?" he said quietly into his helmets com so only his squad could hear him.