Voira nodded at RK's words before smiling reassuringly at Raa. "We're perfectly fine. We didn't even get close to being shot. Just remember to stay behind us and the rest. We don't want you to get in the line of fire, especially without your shield." She merely glared at Solares as he drew Raa into a hug, quickly wiping her face clear before RK or Raa could see it(the former no doubt making some sarcastic and very pointed comment). She raised an eyebrow at Solares as he handed a pistol with explosive ammunition to Raa, and then took off after the Geth. Ignoring whatever the human who had dragged them into this mess and the Cabalists were saying she gave a short comment to Raa. "Be careful, we're almost to the security station. Who knows if anyone else will come in from behind like Solarus did, and introduce themselves with bullets to our backs rather than friendly help killing the local opposition. Stay safe." She drew her assault rifle again and followed after the rest into the security station. Unlike everyone else (excluding Raa) in the room, she didn't aim her weapon, laugh at, or speak harshly too the Civilian. Rather her expression softened in sympathy. Before she could do anything, or encourage Raa to do anything, the damn Cabalist spoke bluntly and the human spoke loud enough for the entire space station to here him. Rather than smacking the both of them, Voira looked over her shoulder at Raa. The Quarian was already moving forward and Voira gave an encouraging (if incredibly nervous) nod. "Be careful." She muttered as Raa walked past her. The Asari fell in step behind the Quarian, her gun holstered and hands lightly raised to show she meant no harm. As Raa spoke to the turian Voira turned around, effectively blocking any shots from the front runners at the Turian, her back itching at the idea of a gun pointed at Raa and she couldn't see to do anything about it. She glared at Cactus as he was closest, shifting her gaze to each of those closest to Raa. "Put your guns down, you're making the Turian nervous. Solarus, that means you and your damn shot gun. Avatar, no overloading the pistol unless it looks like she's about to fire. Goddess I swear if any one of you gets Raa shot at or injured I'll gut you like a pig, very slowly. We're going to wait, 12% and .32 or what the fuck ever and rising be damned, and let Raa talk her down." She spoke softly, but fiercely, into her own radio. Her eyes moved from one person to the next, daring them to do something stupid.