Brand was sitting on a bench in Kings cross station, with his cat on his lap. [color=aquamarine]" Father, how much longer is he going to be? I know Pete always takes ages but this is just madness!"[/color] Hsi brother was as usual in the bathroom at the station. [color=aquamarine]"Can't I just leave without him?"[/color] His father shook his head and tutted. Brand simply closed his eyes and recalled the past few days, and of course the day he received his letter. His family were crowded around a large fire in a grand living room. He came from the rather grand Finch-Fletchly family, who were known to be eccentrics of the highest order. Brand imagined when his father was 'attacked' in his second year by a snake, it may have made him the nuttiest there is or ever will be. He remembered suddenly the fire spluttered and a letter came down the chimney. Without thinking he ran towards it and caught the letter, and searing his yellow dressing gown. He excitedly tore it open to reveal his acceptance letter. He read it aloud and a huge cheer came from the family. The very next day he found himself in gringots, with all the 'crankly little goblins'. They lead him to a vault where a small fortune was kept.[color=aquamarine] "Cor blimey! Thats enough to last me a decade!"[/color] He remembered when he was just leaving Olivanders, his little brother, Pete, was petting a stray cat and wanted to keep it. Eventually after a lot of haggling the cat was his and he named it Gizmo. Back to the present. Brand opened his eyes to see Pete and his mother walking towards them. Quick as a flash he got up and bid his goodbyes. [color=aquamarine]"3, 2, 1!"[/color] He ran down the platform into the wall between platforms 10 and 9, and into platform 9 3/4. A marvellous train was there, entitled the Hogwarts Express. He smiled and walked onto the train. He pushed his trolley along until he reached a compartment with a girl in, about his age. [color=aquamarine]"Oh, do you mind?"[/color] he asked gesturing to a seat.[@RavenTLark]