Name: Zane Tracer Age: 19 Race: Human/Youkai Gender: Male Height: 180 cm (5ft 10 in) Weight: 59 kg (130 lb) Appearance: [hider=First] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Second (because I like it)] [img][/img] [color=662d91][center] [h2] "Kekekeke... Madness isn't so bad, all you have to do is let loose. I promise all will go away." [/h2] [/center][/color] [/hider] Personality: Best described as stably unstable, he was never very sane to begin with, but due to his fusion with a youkai's power he is on the edge of outright insanity. Despite this, he is completely in control of his insanity, and fine with it. He does obsess a little over technology and has a tendency to go on a rampage during battle. Underneath the madness, he is actually a nice guy with a good sense of humor, if a little anti-social. He likes sweets and music. Skills and Powers: Energy- His power is to generate and to manipulate large amounts of energy. Energy generated by him looks like purple lightning, but is oddly silent. The Youkai power made his energy so powerful and he generates so much that it overflows if he doesn't expend it constantly. Temporal/Spatial Distortion- His power, boosted by youkai energy is so powerful, it is able to warp time and space, to what extent is unknown, but he is able to teleport himself and others, generate barriers, make pocket dimensions he can put various items in and at an extreme, cause a black hole. His time abilities are still unknown. Bio: As a kid, Zane always was a little crazy, like mad scientist crazy. This never changed as he got older. He is a genius with technology, by ten he had dismantled his computers and put them together, better than before. He always felt uncomfortable around people, which drove him to technology. He never knew his parents, he was raised by a foster father, who was very kind and good to him, like a real father. But, when he was sixteen, during a routine shopping trip that ended in a surprise eat-out dinner from his father to him, they where attacked by a powerful Youkai, although he had no idea at the time. He watched, helpless as it killed many people and his father, before dragging him to the Crimson Sky. Under that blood red sky, his power awakened, and his rage and madness burst forth, destroying the Youkai. But something went wrong, the remains of it's power enveloped Zane and fused with him. Mad, and completely out of his mind, he wandered the Crimson Sky for a long time, almost three years. He remembers little of this time. Eventualy his sanity (sort of) returned and he found himself in the ruins of some vast city, filled with amazing technology. He got a hold of some that worked and from there he designed and built his Dynamos and TechArmor. During this time, he also worked out his powers. Soon he tried to figure out a way to escape, and using his powers and the technology, he was able to. However, when he got back, he realized that many years had passed in the other world. Equipment: Dynamos- Drones of his own design made with technology he found in the other world, couriously similar to e-OS's. They are bladed and conduct his energy, and able to fire it in various forms. They can also be configured to form just about anything he needs (although they are only so big) from a powerful electricity cannon to a high tech skateboard. TechArmor- Made of the same technology as his dynamos, this functions as a powerful defense and an conductor for his energy. He made it to provide an outlet for his energy, and slow it's build up. It is able to shrink into the jewel on his chest, but only for a limited time. Other: Various tools he keeps in a pocket dimension. Some scraps and parts of various machines and tech, found and brought over by him. Theme/Battle Music: [url=]I Am Machine[/url] By Three Days Grace