[b]Rin - Western Planet Bar[/b] [i]"...Whosawassa!?"[/i] As August burst into the bar, a blonde young women who'd been sleeping in the corner woke up with a start. And it had been such a nice dream, too... Sighing, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and signalled the bartender to send her another drink. Coke, no ice, like the last time. "Hum... Sure am tired of this world... Too hot, for one thing..." she mumbled to herself, taking a big swig as soon as her drink arrived. She'd never really been too good with the heat, honestly. Or the cold. Extremes of temperature in either direction weren't her forte, really. And with this being a desert world, well... It really was too hot. Not only that, but it sounded like there was a fight breaking out outside the bar. Probably just some kids getting too riled up by the heat, really. With a final gulp and a satisfied sigh, she finished her drink, and signalled the bartender for more of the same. Hopefully it would be the last she needed for now, but she was already feeling dehydrated from the heat. As she leaned back in her seat, eyes drooping once more, she suddenly noticed that she had... Well, not exactly "company" since she was a few tables away, but a silver haired girl was sitting in the dark not very far from her. Before she realized what she was doing, Rin had raised a hand to wave at her, smiling nervously as she realized how grumpy the other girl looked. Maybe it wasn't a good idea trying to get her attention, thinking about it...