An odd rip-like formation began to appear in the sky, only a little above most of the buildings. From out of it, a young woman unceremoniously plopped out and landed face first into the dirt, her derriere up in the air in an awkwardly painful position. It was then a strange white thing shot out of the tear before said tear disappeared and landed on the girl's butt. She was definitely lucky it didn't land face first like she did as it had an orange drill on its face that would have made the experience even more painful. Lifting herself up with her elbows, the red haired woman sputtered, trying to get the dirt out of her mouth. "Pfhaa, ugh... I've got to work on where I aim those portals." She pushed herself up and dusted herself off as she stood, "Alright, Plue, do you sense any Rave Sto-" She looked down to her right. Nope, no snowdogbug there. Looked to her left, still nothing. "Oh for the love of- PLUE?!" Cupping her hands over her mouth, she continued to yell for her strange animal companion. Where in the world did that thing get to? ---- Inside the bar, Plue walked over to a bar stool and tried to climb up it. After several adorably failed attempts. one of the drunken patrons had lifted him up onto the bar. "What a cute dog," The dunk person commented, patting Plue's head. "Puu," He responded before leaving the drunkard and heading further down the bar until he came upon a bottle of liquor left unattended. Plue then plopped down on his butt and grabbed the bottle with his paws. With surprising efficiency, he completely chugged down the alcohol.