[center][h2]Fredrick Ferdinand[/h2][/center] [center][h3]Independent/MIA Luminous Knight[/h3][/center] Fredric realized that this was the end. That last firebolt had blown off most of his plate armor, and knocked him on his back and into the charred remains of the rest of his squad. Racked with pain, he struggled to get up. Six of the seven men that made up the ring of mages around where he stood were now walking closer. The mages then picked him off of the ground and started shoving him around. Back and forth he was pushed, kicked, shoved and spat on until his inner fire reignited. He was managed to secure the stable footing that allowed him cast smite on the closest thug, killing him in a flash of light. Before the five other men could move in for the kill a voice bellowed. “Wait! This one still has some fight in him!” The rest of the mages took three steps back as their leader, Mob boss of the ChaHorrnets, stepped into the ring. “I want this lumie for myself! His friends didn't even last five minutes.” “You filthy, power hungry, vile monsters all deserve to be purged!” “You still think you can even lay a finger on me? Then go right ahead! I want to see if you'll bleed out or if I cauterized your wounds trying to cook you alive” A mage then threw him his blued and scorched billhook. After a short bit of fumbling, Fredric sluggishly slashed at the boss with his pole-arm. The mob boss jumped, ducked, and sidestepped every sweep, cleave, and thrust. “You're going to have to do better than that! Oh this is fun!” Enraged even further with this taunt, He gripped his pole-arm firmly and swung it over his head and at his opponent's skull. The strain of this ripped apart his back's charred flesh in a sickening pop. The boss dodges and counters with two slashes to Fredric's face, severing his mouth's tendons and causing his jaw to hang limp. The pain set Fredric over the edge and overwhelmed him with righteous fury. He went berserk, throwing aside his billhook and brandishing his scourge and war-hammer. With a cry of anguish he charged the laughing mobster. Even though Fredric put every ounce of energy he had into the flurry of blows, they were all easily dodged and deflected by his opponent's sword. The boss then struck with his emblazoned hand right at Fredric's now ripped hauberk, burning a hole through his rent gambeson and through his abdominal flesh, exposing the muscle underneath. In a final struggle for his life, Fredric imbues his own hands and abdomen with Luminosity, cancelling out the magic. With the magic nullified, he pushes the cretin's hand way from his flesh, and tackles the boss unto the muddy street. “I'm done playing with an insect like you!” bellowed the mobster. Fredric is easily thrown off and is sent sailing into the ashes of his slain friends. “You lumies need to learn to respect your betters!” The boss easily pins Fredric to the ground. He then starts shoving and smearing the ashes into Fredric's eyes, nose, and unhinged maw. The burning is excruciating as the ash is shoved down his throat and fills his lungs. Unable to even move anymore, his body goes limp. The mobster gets up and tries to dust himself off. “Put him in the carriage, I have plans for him. I'm going to send a message to everyone in this forsaken town.”