[center][h3] [color=a187be]Victoria Nikitina[/color] [/h3][/center] Victoria had been going about her morning as usual. A few clients to see too with problematic canines, she spent most her morning offering advice, tips and helped clients to train their furry companions as if they were her own and she when she was finished, always seemed like she had places to be... Though that was mostly a facade to ensure she had time to herself without having to be around or confront other people when it wasn't necessary. Having the rest of the ahead day cleared, Victoria had planned out an activity for herself and her little pup '[i]Kubik[/i]'. They had crawled into her small white pick-up and headed for the local park after her last client was satisfied. She was new to the area and out of all the places she'd been it was the best so far, plenty of shade was scattered across its reaches and while numerous people attended its trails they were too deeply focused upon their mobile devices, work companions or deep thoughts on their most private relations. As she pulled up to the curb of the park she'd make sure she was within a marked parking spot and smile lightly, sapphire hues lighting up with glee as she glanced down at the dead husky pup, well it was more like a dead-to-the-world slumber... But, he resembled dead sometimes which is a weird thought Victoria figured. Patting her lap and causing a stir to wake the young creature she'd speak in an enthused voice, it rung lightly in pitch with a thickly lined Russian accent drawing over each word, "[color=a187be]Com'on Kubik! Let's go play![/color]" As she got out of the car she'd close the door and move to the other side, her mobile within one of her faded blue jeans pocket. Moving to the other side of the pick-up she'd open the passengers door and reach in to grasp the now hyped ball of black shaded through to white. He had a little black leather collar strapped around his neck with a chrome name plate reading his name on one side, while the other held the engraving of his owner's mobile number. Quickly locking the vehicle she'd place her keys within her pocket and moved off towards the pack with Kubik in her arms. Eventually placing the young pup on the floor with no leash, she'd begin striding into the parks grounds. Her motions fluid and well placed as she whistled gently to call Kubik along, though he seemed to follow quite easily and only really stopped when strangers wanted to pat him and offer him compliments along the way. Victoria, of course, kept her ears and eyes focused on his whereabouts so no one would try to pick him up and wander off. She, at this point, was completely oblivious to the ink upon her wrist, it was covered by a silver watch she barely ever removed and as she hadn't paid it much attention these past few days or possibly weeks, she'd been unaware of the date or name written upon it.