Danica looked over towards Armend and nodded slightly. “Yeah, big double trouble,” she said as she heard the commotions in the distance and rubbed her temples. “Great, we have just stepped into an episode of the Walking Dead and Rick Grimes ain’t nowhere to be seen,” Danica grumbled before looking over to Sean and motioning for him to follow. Time passed and they all ended up in the Shrine; Danica taking a seat and just remaining quiet. Sean however seemed to lose it, rambling on about how he was too young to die, that this was supposed to be a vacation, that he didn’t know how to fight and one and on. Danica rolled her eyes and rose from her place before walking over to him and giving him a back fist to the jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground. “Shut the fuck up!” she snapped before stepping over to him and leaning back against a wall rubbing her fist slightly. “Okay, okay. So this is bad, real bad,” she muttered before looking over to the group. “So, what have we learned from this movies and T.V. shows? I mean, they weren’t real but maybe at least one of them was on to something. Like, for one, get the hell out of big cities,” she said as she lowered her fist. “More people, more [i]zombies[/i],” she said as she held up her hands and made little quotations in the air for the word zombies. “Weapons are needed and right now I wish I was back home. All those doomsday preppers and red necks have arsenals. Hell, walk into the Piggly Wiggly and just reach behind the counter to find a shot gun. God love the second amendment,” she said before pushing her bangs out of her face and took a long breath. “Things we need to assess. It is transferred by bite like in some movies, airborn like others or like in The Walking Dead is it just genetic and when we die we turn now? And about killing them? To make sure they stay dead. Is it chest, head, decapitation?” she rambled off before turning and looking around for a moment and then back over at Armend and pointing to his head. “You good or need more attention?” Danica asked quickly. She may have seemed to have things in check and being able to try to assess the situation but there was fear in her eyes and a noticeable tremble in her voice, her hands shaking slightly as she kept fidgeting. Sean just sat there on the ground holding his jaw before he looked over to her and spit out some blood and a tooth. "Fucking hell woman," he said as she slowly sat up. "What was that for?" "I had to stop you from screaming," she said flatly with a huff that blew her bangs up and back into her face.