His act was everything to him, the birds hiding throughout the stadium and waiting for him to give signal. They were always different, depending on the state but it never took long to convince them to work with him. They knew the calls to come to him and the calls to leave him, the birds were more in tune then he was sometimes and he forgot that. The birds were sometimes much smarter and he appreciated their patience in his act. Birds were fickle creatures sometimes, they didn't like crowds and they went through a lot just to help him perform, though he usually paid them in food and loving compliments. The birds were the true star, he was just their orchestrator, they counted on him to make sure that every move was precise and he counted on them to follow every precise move. They danced together and one could not hold a dance without the other. His act would be nothing without them. The young man was in a sparkling jumpsuit in peacock blue and vibrant green, covered in glittering sequins and studs that caught the flashing lights around them. It almost seemed to glow against the light. Braided throughout his long black hair were feathers of all colors that shimmered and twisted with each move that he made, they seemed to do their own winding dance. His black hair was the only contrast to the brilliant colors that adorned him. It spilled like ink down his shoulders and framed his thin face, his eyes were a pale gray that always seemed to look faded against his skin. They sought the crowd as he walked towards the ring, drawing in a deep breath and spreading his arms to each side of him. His mouth seemed to curl as he stood there, his eyes shining at the brightness of the crowd and the cheering that rose around him as he took his spot. He shut his eyes for a sputter in time, a sharp chirping noise broke from between his lips and the flurry of wings that followed seem to come from all around. The sound a whispering thunder, a flurry of soft noise. Birds were tearing free from seemingly nowhere, their tiny bodies flying towards him and landing along his thin arms. They collected up to his fingers and dug their claws in for support, his breathing was even and soft so none of them became overwhelmingly frightened by the noises in the crowd. They shifted silently and he pressed one arm forward, sending its occupants towards the crowd and directing them back with one sharp chirp that resembled a cooing lark. They followed his commands seamlessly, swooping and soaring around his head while he directed them through a series of hoops and twisted them through a dance of wings and feathers, his limber body moving in an eloquent shifting of weight and half spinning. It was a brilliant show of color and feathers, the boy moving as gracefully as a dancer. They almost seem to do their own tricks midair and they spiraled and spun like rockets through the air. The act was a quick one, more of a dance than anything. It was beautiful though, colorful and silent except for the few brave birds that seemed to endlessly chatter through each spin and step. After some time, the birds moved in quick circles around him, dodging one another and collecting along his arms once more and he collected himself into a bow, the birds shooting off to both sides of him and soaring overhead like an overcast cloud.