Martha gave the very bright and pink car left in the street a raised eyebrow, much like the other people nearby were, as she passed by down the dusty street. But then again such a vehicle wasn’t that strange of occurrence on this world as Martha had been quick to discover that despite so many inhabitants from many different worlds with much more advanced technology they had all pretty much grown comfortable with the Western aesthetic, and so never really saw any need to change it. Pulling herself back to her problem Martha looked down at the three remaining gold coins she held in her hand. Whilst buying supplies like food and dental hygiene products such as those she had just bought from the local shop were essential for travelling the cost of it all soon added up, even coupled with the fact that when presented with a pure gold coin about the size of one’s hand most shop owners were happy to let her take whatever she needed. But then was also the need to get to other worlds and payment of said travel. With a heavy sigh Martha slipped the coins into her bag which greedily gulped them down into its depths. “Speaking of finding a lift.” Martha mumbled to herself, seeing a small rift open up in the sky. About a minute later Martha had arrived at the street where the rift had momentarily opened beforehand. It wasn’t hard to guess who had been the person who had arrived as they kept calling out for who Martha assumed to be a friend of theirs, although they didn’t seem to be anywhere nearby. Martha, being the ever opportunist, saw a great way to get on this world hoppers good side and maybe earn a favour. “Hey.” She walked up briskly to woman, who was oddly enough dressed in a black winter coat. “Could help but notice you’re looking for a mate of yours, maybe I could help?” “I’m Martha by the way.” She finished by holding her arm out to the stranger.